Facebook Pages

Facebook Studio (Pages) Expert


Page Fundamentals
Page Insights and Metrics
Align Strategies to Objectives
Conversations to Engage & Retain

Facebook Pages

A Page is a public profile that enables brands and businesses to connect and share with people on Facebook. Creating a Page is the first step in launching your long-term marketing strategy. A Page creates an identity for your brand, provides a home base for programs, promotions and apps, and allows you to gain valuable insight from an ongoing dialogue with fans.

When people click the Like button and become a fan of your Page, you gain a lasting connection with them, allowing you to publish content to their News Feed and establish an ongoing conversation. And every time people interact with your Page, it can generate a story on their profiles and in their friends’ News Feeds, giving your brand additional organic exposure.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you’re setting up your Page. Develop a calendar, so you can release content and updates at regular intervals. Remember that a natural, authentic and conversational tone works best, and keep a two-way dialogue open by listening and responding to comments. This will help you turn fans into advocates.

By keeping your Page updated with relevant and interesting content, you can show that your brand is not only leading the conversation, it’s actively listening and responding to what people are talking about. These interactions and connections are an effective way to get people engaged and inspire them to take action. Besides publishing updates, you can also express your brand through curating photos, connecting to other Pages, and commenting as your Page.